Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Isn't she cute... even when she is sick?

Alexa woke up Monday morning with a 101.6 fever!!!  Having a sick baby is never fun!!!  It just breaks my heart when you look in their eyes and you can just tell!!!  At that moment, I would anything to take all the sickness from them, if only I had that power!!!  I took her to the doctor and they said she probably just had a small virus and that she should be 100% in no time!!!

For the first time, we were successfully able to put her hair in pigtails!  She has super curly hair, so it looks much shorter than it really is.  I never thought it was possible, but she proved me wrong!!  Isn't she cute even when she is sick!?

I sent that picture to our family and my mom immediately wrote back and said "I thought she was sick"? She was still running a fever, but she never takes a smile off of her face!!  She is such a sweet, happy girl, even when she feels terrible!!  I often take her to the doctor, and they don't believe me that she is sick!  Yesterday was no exception.  She was talking 90 to nothing the entire time we were in the doctor's office!  She greeted the dr. with a big "HI" and talked about the donkey stuffed animal they had on the shelf the whole time!!  The doctor told me not to even treat her fever because she was so happy {but, of course, I did}.  She is such a sweet girl!!

We have been encouraging Alexa to play mommy with her baby doll the last few weeks, and all of a sudden she is really picking up on her nurturing skills!!  I think having a baby sister has made her more aware of what you were really supposed to do with a doll.  Her poor baby doll has a "poo-poo" diaper about 4o times a day.  So tonight, she went in Addi's room, got the diaper rash cream off the changing table, and put it on her baby!  It was the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!  {even though that cream is like gold}  Before I could take it away from her, I just had to get a few pictures!!!  What a great little mommy!

Thankfully, Alexa is feeling much better today!!  She woke up with a low-grade fever, but it is pretty much completely gone now!!!  I am praying that we are done with it and that sweet Addi continues to stay healthy!  Having a sick baby and trying to keep the other one healthy adds a whole new element!!!  I don't know how mommy's with lots of babies do it!!!

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