Friday, November 5, 2010

the friday five.

Here are five random thoughts, memories, ideas, etc. for the week........

1.  I am so thankful for the amazing husband that God has blessed me with!!  Not only is he smokin' hot ;-), he is just an all around top notch kind of guy!!!  He is so genuine, honest, humble, giving, loving, and just a true man of God!  He has a heart of gold!!!  He's such a great daddy and loves his baby girls with everything in him!!

One thing that is very important to my man is a clean house.  He functions much better when things are in order!  Well, for those of you who know me, you know that housework is not really one of my strong suits {to be frank, I could care a less about it!!  There are so many other things that take priority than a clean house or folded laundry}.  So, we have never had a spotless house, but since Addi's arrival, the housework has taken a back, back, baaaaack seat to everything else!!  Basically it hasn't even been on the to-do list in my mind.  It's been pretty much out of control!

But, being the awesome man he is, he has been SOOOOOOOOOO patient with me!!!  I know he cringes most days when he walks in the house, but he hasn't said a word.  He knows my life is crazy right now and that I feel like I am being pulled in a million directions.  He has no idea how much his patience has eased my stress level.  I KNOW our house in desperate need for a deep cleaning, but at the end of the day, happy, well taken care of babies are all that matter!!  He has definitely stepped up and picked up the slack where I have let off.

One night this week, he came home and dinner was cooking in the crock pot.  He walked right up to me, gave me a hug and a kiss, and said "coming home to the smell of dinner cooking is so wonderful"!  He told me that earlier in the day he wanted to ask what we were having for dinner, but he didn't want to stress me out if I didn't have anything planned.  He said he had already prepared himself that he was not going to upset if we were getting take-out from somewhere because he knew I had a lot on my plate!!

I so wish I had the time/energy to keep a spotless house, have dinner prepared every night, and never have any clean laundry waiting in the dryer to be folded, but the fact is, at this stage in my life I just don't!  I am so thankful he has been so understanding and has not gotten frusturated with me {or if he has, he hasn't let me know it}.  For that reason, and soooooooooo many others, I love him so much!!!

Baby, you are the best!  God truly answered all of my prayers!!  Thank you so much for your patience and understanding!  I promise you, one day, you will have a spotless house!! {our kids may be in college, or maybe its because you finally got me that maid I've been dreaming of, but one day it will happen}.  I love you more than you can imagine!!

{and for those of you who are wondering, YES, we did get take-out the next night!!!  He shouldn't have told me he didn't mind!! ;-)}

2.  After 20 months, my sister and I FINALLY discovered a good way to "shop" {the only way to shop with 2 toddlers and a newborn}!  We made a quick run to the outlet mall and attempted taking the girls in one store.  They ran around like maniacs.... Alexa stole a balloon, they picked out everything they thought was "cute", and they tried to befriend another little girl that was less than excited about them.  So, at the next stop, we tried this....

YES, we put them in the back of the car with an "Olivia" dvd and a box of goldfish!  Ashley and I took turns going on the store, while the other supervised the big girls and held baby Addi!  It worked like a charm.  Having 30 minutes of uninterrupted shopping is unheard of these days!!  I have a feeling there are more shopping trips like this in our near future!!!

3.  On top of having a little fever virus, Alexa Jayne is cutting FOUR new teeth.... the last four before the next set of molars!!  The top two "pointy" ones {yes, I'm so technical} are almost in, but she still has a way to go on the bottom ones!  Her gums are sooooooooo red and swollen... it just looks like pure misery!!!  So, needless to say, her attitude has been less than desirable this entire week!  Hopefully, fingers crossed, those little suckers will just pop through fast and we can move on with life!!  I miss my happy, go-lucky, crazy girl!!!

This week, she also learned she could do this...
Yes, I know she will kill me one day for this, but I just couldn't resist!  We were driving in the car and I looked back at her in the rear view mirror and this is what I saw!!  She has never really done this before, its like she just figured it out!!  I was crying I was laughing so hard!!!  I had to snap a picture and send it directly to her Daddy and her Pops!!  I knew they would love it!!!

4.  I know I talked about it on the previous post, but its big news in the Walker house this week, so I will talk about it again!  Addi Joy turned two months yesterday!!  I think we are finally over the hump of those crazy newborn days!!!  She is really starting to "talk" more and more.  This morning the girls {I love the sound of that} and I were cuddling in my bed!!  Alexa kept telling Addi "good morning" in the silliest, high pitched voice.  Addi was smiling like crazy and trying to talk back!!!  Its so funny when they try so hard to get a noise out, and when they finally do its like they almost scare themselves.  It was such a sweet moment.  I so badly wanted to run and get my camera to capture it, but it was one of those moments I didn't want to miss a second of either!!!  Such a special time!

5.  Today, our little dog Lucy turned 5!!!  Although, with each new addition to our family, Lucy has moved down the totum pole, she will always have a special place in our heart!  She was my Christmas present from Jonathan right before we got married!!!  That is why its so hard for me to believe she is 5!!!!  Just seems crazy that our 5 year anniversary is coming up!  Lucy is quite the diva dog {she sleeps in our bed and will only drink water from a drinking glass}, but she has been amazing with our girls!!!  Alexa tortures her all day long.... its like she loves Lucy so much, she just wants to smother her!  Lucy is so patient with her, and in return Alexa shares a lot of food with her!!  Alexa wakes up every morning asking for Lucy!!!  They really are great friends!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I am your newest follower! I am hoping to win some of your gorgeous cards!! You have a beautiful family. Congrats!!!
